What’s New on PowerMyLearning Connect?
We’re excited to bring you new content, available on PowerMyLearning Connect!
New Standards-Aligned Math Playlists
The PowerMyLearning Connect Playlist library now has 160 new certified math playlists! The new CCSS-aligned playlists for grades 3-8 break down standards into smaller digestible learning objectives that students can easily understand.
Each playlist includes:
- Clear learning goals that are meaningful for students akin to “I can…” statements
- A vetted selection of high-quality learning videos, practice activities, and interactives
- Additional student-facing activity instructions for clarity and coherence
- Auto-scored self-check assessments that allow students to check their understanding and receive immediate feedback
Ready to start exploring? Simply log in to PowerMyLearning Connect, and select Math, Grades 3-8, Playlists.
Tech-Enhanced Assessment Items
Create more opportunities to help your students monitor their progress and reach their learning goals! “Test” out our new wave of assessment items, including technology-enhanced items (TEIs). TEIs prompt students to think critically to construct an answer versus merely selecting a response.
Now, when using PowerMyLearning Connect playlists you can:
- Create interactive drag and drop questions that require students to sort or categorize information.
- Power up assessment questions by including multiple choice and correct answer options
- Preview how students see questions and what they will see after responding