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Empowering Collaboration: A Year of Impact at Utah Street School

Written by Anna Lisa Caraveo-Flores | Jul 20, 2023 7:39:07 PM

I am thrilled to announce the successful completion of the first year of a three-year grant from All Points North Foundation that gave us the opportunity to work alongside teachers, students and families at Utah Street School in Boyle Heights. Through PowerMyLearning's comprehensive teacher coaching, professional development, and engaging family workshops, we’ve worked to activate the power of collaboration between students, teachers, and families. 

The expert guidance and support provided to teachers by our coaches has equipped them with effective instructional strategies, fostering a culture of excellence in middle school classrooms. Simultaneously, the involvement of families in workshops has strengthened the home-school connection, creating a collaborative environment that nurtures and accelerates student learning, leading to enhanced mastery across various subjects.

The remarkable impact of the grant on Utah Street School can be clearly observed through several compelling data points. These metrics serve as tangible evidence of the transformative power that the All Points North Foundation grant has had on students, teachers, and families.

100% of teachers demonstrated growth or maintained high performance in more than half of the domains in which they were assessed in the PowerMyLearning Framework for Teachers. 

100% of parents reported feeling more confident that they can support their child's learning at home after participating in our Family Workshops. 

"I loved the videos and group interaction during this [workshop]. The toolkit provided me with resources not only for my class, but for my parents and community."
– PowerMyLearning Teacher

"This was a very engaging, and rigorous [professional development workshop]! The best PD I have had on campus in a number of years!"
– PowerMyLearning Teacher 

Click below to witness our work in action at Utah Street School!

PowerMyLearning is profoundly grateful for the unwavering support of All Points North Foundation. I look forward to continuing our partnership next year and bringing our programming to even more students, teachers, and families in Los Angeles. 

Anna Lisa Caraveo-Flores
Executive Director, Greater Los Angeles