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Rigor and Relevance for All Learners

What is rigor


To engage in rigorous learning, students need a learning environment where they feel safe enough to take academic risks. Use these resources to explore how you can strengthen your relationships with students and support a growth mindset in your classroom.

Increasing Complexity

Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate surface, deep, and transfer learning using these thinking routine protocols.

Guidance and Support

Supporting students is essential in crafting rigorous learning. Make rigor accessible for all learners by providing appropriate scaffolds - adapt and modify for all students’ needs.


Teachers can support student ownership by being intentional about creating opportunities for students to reflect on their progress, giving choice on how they want to demonstrate content knowledge, and providing ways to monitor growth in their learning.

Rich Content

Craft rigorous learning opportunities with real-world connections and content outside of traditional classroom text. Consider a variety of sources to present students and teach students how to analyze information within content.