Examining Family Playlists’ Impact on Student Social Emotional Learning and Science Mastery through Short-Cycle RCTs

About the Study
PowerMyLearning conducted short-cycle Random Controlled Trials (RCTs) that we then published with Project Evident with support from the Gates Foundation. Download the case study to learn more.
The case study shows that Family Playlists had a statistically significant positive impact on key SEL outcomes related to student agency—including intrinsic motivation, perceived competence, and perceived choice.
The positive SEL impacts were especially pronounced for English Language Learners (ELLs), with these students reporting significantly higher sense of belonging at school.
PowerMyLearning’s Theory of Change posits that our Triangle approach will have a positive impact on academic mastery and SEL skills. This study, together with two other studies demonstrating positive impact of our approach on state math test scores (Study 1, Study 2), builds the evidence supporting that claim.
Family Playlists In The News
The New York Times, When Parents Teach Children (and Vice Versa)
National PTA’s Our Children Magazine, Want Your Child to Remember What They Learn? Have Them Teach It.
District Administration, Top product: Family Playlists on PowerMyLearning Connect
Christensen Institute, How Technology Can Help—Not Hurt—Family Connections