Practical Strategies to Sustain Your Teachers (and Yourselves) Right Now
Join PowerMyLearning and Executive Coach Analiza Wolf for an interactive workshop.

This webinar originally aired on January 26, 2022.
Teaching is already a high burnout profession and now educators are facing yet another COVID-19 surge and all of the stressors that come with it. As a
K-12 leader, what can you do to support your teachers when you yourself face endless challenges?
Join Executive Coach Analiza Wolf and PowerMyLearning's Jill Nyhus and Lauren Burner-Lawrence as we answer:
- What practical strategies can K-12 leaders do right now to support themselves and their teachers?
- What is the #1 support teachers desire? How can we build teacher capacity to give them the supports they need?
- What role can coaching play in sustained professional development and building capacity? And how have coaching models evolved to meet the moment?
Analiza Wolf is an Executive Coach, Facilitator, and Strategy Consultant on a mission to support leaders, especially people of color and women, be leaders in their organizations - without sacrificing family or self-care. She runs a cohort program called Boss Mamas to support women leaders and also a podcast called Boss Mamas. The overarching theme throughout her career has been her leadership, passion for people to be their best selves, and ability to lead change through strategic, operational, and diversity, equity, and inclusion excellence. Analiza has deep experience in education leading schools for low-income students of color. She founded a school at Uncommon Schools, led a network of schools at Achievement First, was the COO at East Harlem Tutorial Program and was recently the CEO of Neighborhood Charter Schools, a public school network in NYC. Before education, Analiza was a Brand Manager at Colgate-Palmolive and a Captain in the US Air Force. Analiza is a Fulbright Scholar and Pahara Fellow. She graduated from Stanford with her BA and BS, Northwestern with her MBA, and the Broad Residency with a M Ed in educational leadership. Analiza is also a proud mom. She wrote a children’s book Asian Americans Who Inspire Us which was chosen as one of the Gold List 2021 Children’s Books. Learn more at